Lisa Steiner


Orcas! Oh my!!

Orcas, also known as killer whales, are not very frequent visitors to the Azores, but when they do appear, the excitement is palpable. These iconic animals are the largest member of the dolphin family, reaching up to 10m. With their striking black and white coloration and the impressive dorsal fins of the males, orcas are…

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Look who’s here!!

    Spotted dolphin, Stenella frontalis, are one of our most common sightings in the Azores. They are an oceanic dolphin, spending most of their lives away from shores, but with our deep waters close to the coast, they are a regular sighting. But usually, they arrive towards the end of June or the beginning…

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A Whale of an Expedition

Biosphere Expeditions completed a very successful expedition for 17th year. 9 different species of whales & dolphin were observed between the 20th March – 20th April. These sightings included the largest animal on the planet, the blue whale. We also had a few humpback and fin whales as well as several sei whales. There were…

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Oh Boy!!

Male sperm whales are impressive on every level. They are huge, reaching up to 18m and 60t while the females only reach around 12m and 17t. In the Azores, we generally see groups of females, juveniles and calves, but occasionally a large male like this one makes an appearance. Male sperm whales leave their family…

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Humpback whales lost & found

The weather was not looking very good, the lookouts were not optimistic. The clients were hopeful and when the word came that a humpback whale had been seen in an area calm enough to get to, everyone sprang into action. Boats made their way to the North of Faial, only to find that the humpback…

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