Spotted dolphin, Stenella frontalis, are one of our most common sightings in the Azores. They are an oceanic dolphin, spending most of their lives away from shores, but with our deep waters close to the coast, they are a regular sighting. But usually, they arrive towards the end of June or the beginning of July, when the water is a bit warmer. They spend the winters in warmer waters to the south of the Azores. This year, the spotted dolphin have arrived a bit early, with several sightings in May. This early arrival could be related to slightly warmer water temperatures this year. Or maybe they just followed some fish! We will only know if this early arrival becomes the new standard over the next few years.
One of the most recognizable features of the Atlantic spotted dolphin is its striking coloration. The body of the dolphin is predominantly gray with a light underside, while its back, sides, and fins are speckled with a pattern of light gray or white spots. These spots become more prominent as the dolphin matures, making it easy to distinguish between juveniles and adults. They also have a white tip to their beak that appears like a flashlight, when the dolphin are coming towards the boat.
Atlantic spotted dolphins are highly gregarious creatures that frequently form large pods, sometimes up to 1000 individuals. These pods often engage in synchronized swimming, leaping, and bow-riding in front of the boat. With its distinctive spots and playful nature, this dolphin species has captured the hearts of many researchers, conservationists, and marine enthusiasts, including ours!!